Restricted depositors as defined by the Class 1(2) FSA licence and Capital International Bank's risk appetite.
Restricted depositors as defined by the Class 1(2) FSA licence and Capital International Bank's risk appetite.
Holders of a CTA
Holders of a GBP, USD or EUR CTA with available funds of 1m+ in the currency to be placed.
Holders of a GBP, USD or EUR CTA with available funds of £250,000 - £1M or currency equivalent.
Overdraft facility
No overdraft facility currently - note fees, charges and negative interest may take your account overdrawn, but no client payment / FX activity can take an account overdrawn)
No overdraft facility currently
No overdraft facility
No overdraft facility
No overdraft facility
Interest accrual
Daily accrual, monthly application
Daily accrual, monthly application
Daily accrual, monthly application
Daily accrual, application on maturity
Daily accrual, application on maturity
Interest rate change notice period
7 calendar days
7 calendar days
Rate fixed during term
Rate fixed during term
Interest payment
Applied to account only
Applied to account only
Applied to account only
Applied to CTA on maturity
Applied to CTA on maturity