IOM gives me the freedom to flourish

January 7, 2019

"The Isle of Man provides the perfect lifestyle and work balance."

Werner Alberts, originally from Cape Town, South Africa, grabbed the opportunity with both hands when he had the chance to move over with his family in 2015.  

Werner visited the Isle of Man for the first time in 2011 to participate in the Parish Walk and was immediately struck by the beauty of the island and even more so by the friendly community spirit of the people of the Isle of Man.

‘My family just loved the photos and stories and visited the Island with me just after I completed the Parish Walk for a third time in 2014’ said Werner.

‘When our business partner at the time invited us to move to the Island for business reasons, we grabbed the opportunity with both hands and moved here in 2015.’

Cape Town is a beautiful country with amazing people and it will always be in our hearts, but the Isle of Man is now our home, he said.

‘We love the lifestyle and business environment.  The Island is an ideal location to have an active outdoor lifestyle in safety – you just need to dress appropriately and never make your decisions based on the weather!’

Freedom to Flourish

The family owns horses and Werner said that the equestrian community has been very welcoming for his wife Yolandé and daughters Elsje and Ingrid.

‘Our family includes dogs and a cat and it is great to be part of a community that cares so much for their pets.’

‘The ethos of “freedom to flourish” and “which ever way you throw me, I always land on my feet” were and are other major attractions to us.’  

From a business perspective, Werner loves the concept of basing a business in a secure environment with the ability to operate internationally.  The tax system supports reinvestment into growing businesses by not taxing profits within companies and in effect only raising taxes when local shareholders receive distributions.

Werner works at Capital International Group as Chief Operating Officer. This includes looking after all the functions that ensure that Capital delivers excellent customer service and delivers on the expectations of all our stakeholders.

He said, ‘the Group has a unique culture where our staff are treated with the dignity and care like family members and at the same time encourages excellence and innovation.’

The Capital International Group has grown strongly over recent years and has expanded its reach into South Africa where 20% of the Group’s staff are now based. The Group has taken the “freedom to flourish” challenge head on and is seeking to innovate in a number of different areas as well as to further its geographic expansion. Werner finishes saying ‘I am super proud to be able to live in such an amazing place with the opportunity to work for a fantastically dynamic business.’

Disclaimer: The views thoughts and opinions expressed within this article are those of the author, and not those of any company within the Capital International Group (CIG) and as such are neither given nor endorsed by CIG. Information in this article does not constitute investment advice or an offer or an invitation by or on behalf of any company within the Capital International Group of companies to buy or sell any product or security.

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