The Last 13 Months
Why it’s Important to Stay Invested!
It comes as little surprise that, over the long term, equities outperform bonds, and that bonds outperform cash. So, why is it so challenging to make the decision to invest? Uncertainty, volatility, and psychological biases all prevent investors, even those more willing to take risks, from making the leap and entering the market.
Whilst many clients were comparing the positive cash returns last year to investment returns, over the last 13 months our PRISM H5 balanced strategy returned 6.7%whilst UK base rates returned 5.2% and to achieve a return close to UK base rates at the Bank clients would need to lock it away – typically for 12 months or more.
In the picture below we review how markets performed over the last 13 months and summarise the key events.

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Regulated investment activities are carried out on behalf of Capital International Group by its licensed member companies. Capital International Limited and Capital Financial Markets Limited are licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority. Capital International Limited is a member of the London Stock Exchange. CILSA Investments (Pty) Ltd (FSP No. 44894) trading as Capital International SA, is licenced by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa. All subsidiary companies across both jurisdictions are represented under the Capital International Group brand.