News from around the Group Q3

Capital International Group
October 11, 2021

Digital Business Cards

In the last quarter, we kitted our team out with digital bamboo business cards. These innovative cards can be tapped against any smartphone to transfer the details in a matter of seconds. Not only does this mean the information is conveniently stored, but the bamboo cards will last for years and eliminate the need to print thousands of business cards, helping us to achieve our carbon neutral objective.

digital business cards

25 Years in Business

In August, we celebrated our 25-year anniversary! It’s been an epic journey from receiving our first licence in 1996 to the present day. In that time, Capital International Group has grown from a small stockbroking firm employing just a handful of staff to an international investment and banking provider with a team of almost 200 people! Not only that, but we have expanded from 1 office to 4 across the Isle of Man and South Africa, and our business has grown to look after over $5 billion in assets under administration. We’d like to thank our team, our clients and everyone who has played a part in our success story over the last 25 years. Bring on another 25 years of hard work, growth, and lots of fun along the way!

The below video shows off some of our highlights over the years:

Capital International Group Partners with Greenpop

We consistently do our utmost to reduce or offset the impact of our business activities on both the environment and society. We have committed to planting one tree in the Isle of Man and one tree in Africa for every new account we open and as part of this pledge, we have partnered with Greenpop, a Cape Town based NGO. Greenpop’s work includes planting trees and vegetation in urban greening and  projects and, to date, they have planted more than 150,000 trees!

Women’s Day

Women’s Day in South Africa is a bank holiday to mark the peaceful protest of 9th August 1956 in South Africa. The women in both our Johannesburg & Cape Town offices were all sent a small gift to mark this important date.

women's day in South Africa

IOMFA Business League

Well done to the Capital team for their performance in the IOMFA Business League finals last night. The squad came second in their group, making it through to the final stages of the football competition. Great job team Capital!

Isle of Man football


One of the biggest rivalries in golf was played out in August,when Capital International Group took on MAC Group. The annual contest was hotly fought and finished with a draw meaning MAC Group retained their title. Thanks to all the players for coming along.

Photography Competition

Last month, we launched our wildlife photography competition which is open to residents of all ages in both the Isle of Man and South Africa. There will be two winners of the competition, one in the Isle of Man and one in South Africa who will both receive a £250 / R5000 donation to a charity of their choice. If you would like to enter the competition, please click here to find out more.

photography competition

Chamber of Commerce Gala

As platinum sponsors of the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce Gala, our team put on their glad rags to attend the black tie event which brought together members of the Island's business community.

Speaking on the night, our COO, Werner Alberts, pointed out the unique qualities of the Island's community that enabled it to navigate through the pandemic. He also highlighted the importance of a unified and enthusiastic approach from the private, public and third sectors in facing climate challenges. He emphasised that as an Island and as a business community, we simply cannot rest on our laurels and must each take responsibility for our actions and play our part in creating a greener and more sustainable future.